Lisa Marchetta
Board Member
I was born and raised in Northeastern Pennsylvania by a family who modeled a commitment to God and a love for His church. When I was five years old, I made the most important decision of my life… to follow Jesus. Even through ups, downs, trials and hardships – I have never regretted that decision as it shapes who I am, what I believe, and how I treat others. I am blessed to have a husband (Mike) who shares my faith and leads our family to embrace who we are in Christ. Before he took a position as a chaplain, Mike served in pastoral leadership for over twenty years… and I was right by his side serving in many capacities from the director of children’s ministry to a daycare volunteer. Mike and I are blessed with one daughter, Lyla, who has attended VCS since she was three years old. She is now in high school. I love that Valley Christian has partnered with us to “train up [our] child in the way she should go.”
Pouring into the next generation has been my passion, and life-long mission as I have served as an educator for the past twenty-two years. My bachelor’s degree (Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania) in Secondary Education and my master’s degree in English have prepared me to teach every grade from middle school through college. I began my teaching career in South Carolina, where I went on to become a National Board-Certified instructor and a state-trained, master mentor teacher. I am currently a Teaching Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh. Wherever I serve – I am wholeheartedly committed as I work for my Lord and Savior who deserves all my effort, all my heart and all my praise.